Here it is, one week into my first assignment and I have nothing done. I have learned that I really need to learn to manage my time better. That is one skill that I really have a lot of trouble putting into practice in my life. That said, I think I will waste a little more time and write.
High school: Wow! What a departure from teaching at the middle school. I really enjoy the high kids more than the younger ones. It's the same kids, in fact some of my Cooper kids have brothers and sisters in my high school classes. So, it's simply an age thing.
Job search: I may actually have a shot at a physics job at PC. There is a position there and I have an advantage since I am student teaching there right now. There is also a physical science job opening there. While that is not as desirable, at least I would be at PC High. I have also applied for the Director of Transportation position with Putnam City. That job is a 12 month position, but it's a lot more money. I would rather teach, but money speaks quite loudly to me right now.
Physics study: I haven't actually started studying for my OSAT, yet. I still have 3 weeks, so plenty of time there.
Church: What can I say. I am really struggling with my attitude right now. I still love what I get from God there, but I have really had a difficult time with my attitude about ministry. There are people who don't value my ministry the way I do (understandable, they have other priorities) and that causes problems when I feel they do not respect activities I plan, nor do they treat me with the respect I think I should be accorded. Obviously, I have a problem with me, not with someone else. I cannot control what others do, I can only control how I react to what others do. What an important lesson! God holds me accountable for the latter; He holds them accountable for the former. I am excited about what God is going to accomplish in our ministry next year. I am simply trying to learn as much about college ministry this year and make next year better than ever. I think we are in a rebuilding stage, so it's hard to judge our success or failure. I take it a week at a time.
NAACP: No, not that NAACP! I am talking about the Northwest Area Association of College Pastors. This is a new ministry for other college ministries. I am going to try to organize something and kick this off by the end of the semester. I have so much going, I'm not sure I will be able to accomplish anything before then, but God has certainly nudged me in this direction and I am going to follow His leading in this area.